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B.Sc IT 3rd Sem Syllabus

                                 BS301 : Computer Based Numerical Techniques
Floating point Arithmetic: Representation of floating point numbers, Operations,
Normalization, Pitfalls of floating point representation, Errors in numerical computation.
Iterative Methods: Zeros of a single transcendental equation and zeros of polynomial
using Bisection Method, Iteration method, Regula-Falsi method, Newton Raphson
method, Secant method, Rate of convergence of iterative methods.
Simultaneous Linear Equations: Solutions of system of Linear equations, Gauss
Elimination direct method and pivoting, III conditioned system of equations, Refinement
of solution. Gauss Seidal iterative method, Rate of Convergence. Interpolation and
approximation: Finite Differences, Difference tables. Polynomial Interpolation: Newton's
forward and backward formula Central Difference Formulae: Gauss forward and
backward formula, stirling's Bassel's Everett's formula. Interpolation with unequal
intervals: Language's Interpolation, Newton Divided difference formula, Hermite's
interpolation Approximation of function by Taylor's series and Chebyshev polynomial.
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Introduction, Numerical Differentiation,
Numerical Integration, Trapazoidal rule, Simpon's rules, Boole's Rule Euler-Maclaurin
Formula Solution of Differential Equations: Picard's Method, Euler's Method, Taylor's
Method, Runge-Kutta methods, Predictor-corrector method, Automatic error monitoring,
stability of solution.
1. Rajaraman V., :Computer Oriented Numerical Methods". PHI
2. Gerald and Wheatley, "Applied Numerical Analyses", AW
3. Jain, Lyengar and Jain, "Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computations:, New Ager Int.
4. Grewal B.S., "Numerical methods in Engineering and Science. Khanna
Publishers, Delhi.
5. T.Veerarajan, T Ramchandran, "Theory and Problems of Numerical Methods",
                                                           BS302 : DBMS
Introduction: An overview of database management system, Database System Vs File
System, Database system concepts and architecture, data models schema and instances,
data independence and data base language and interfaces, Data definitions language,
DMI, Overall Database structure. Data modeling using the Entity Relationship Model:
ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram, mapping constraints, keys, Concepts of
Super Key, candidate key, primary key, Generalization, aggregation, reduction of an ER
diagrams to tables, extended ER model, relationships of higher degree.
Relational Data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity
constraints: entity integrity, referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints,
relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple and domain calculus.
Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL, Advantages of SQL, SQL data types and
literals, Types of SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, Tables, views and
indexes Queries and sub queries, Aggregate functions, Insert, update and delete
operations, Joints, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors in SQL. PL/SQL, Triggers and
Database Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second
third normal forms, BCNF, inclusion dependencies, loss less join decompositions,
normalization using FD, MVD, and JDs, alternative approaches to database design
Transaction Processing Concepts: Transaction system, Testing of seralizability,
Seralizability of schedules, conflict and view seralizable schedule, recoverability,
Recovery form transaction failures, deadlock handling .

1. Date C.J. "An Introduction to Database System". Addision Wesley
2. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, "Database Concepts" McGraw Hill
3. Elmasri, Navathe, "Fundamentals of Database Systems" Addision Wesley
4. Paul Beynon Davis, "Database Systems" Palgrave Macmillan
5. Bipin C. Desai, "An introduction to Database Systems", Galgotia Pub.

                                                     BS303 : Digital Electronics
Representation of information & Basic Building Blocks: Introduction to Computer,
Computer hardware generation, Number System: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Character
Codes (BCD), ASCII, EBCDIC and their conversion. Logic gates, Boolean Algebra, Kmap
simplification, Half Adder, Full Adder, Subtractor, Decoder, Encoders, Multiplexer,
Demultiplexer, Carry look ahead adder, Combinational logic Design, Flip-Flops,
Registers, Counters (Synchronous and asynchronous), ALU, Micro-operation. ALU-chip,
Faster Algorithm and Implementation (multiplication & Division).
Basic Organization: Operational flow chart (Fetch, Execute, Instruction Cycle),
Organization of Central Processing Unit, Hardwired & micro programmed control unit,
Single Organization, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Addressing
modes, Instruction formats, data transfer & Manipulation, I/O Organization, Bus
Architecture, Programming Registers.
Memory Organization: Memory hierarchy, Main memory (RAM/ROM) chips), Auxiliary
memory, Associative memory, Cache memory, Virtual memory, Memory Management
Hardware, hit/miss ratio, magnetic disk and its performance, magnetic Tape etc.
I/O Organization: Peripheral devices, I/O interface, Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt,
Direct Memory Access, Input-Output Processor, and Serial Communication. I/O
Controllers, Asynchronous data transfer, Strobe Control, Handshaking.

1. Willam Stalling, "Computer Organization & Architecture" Pearson Education Asia
2. Mano Morris, "Computer System Architecture" PHI
3. Zaky & Hamacher, "Computer Organization: McGraw Hill
4. B. Ram, "Computer Fundamental Architecture & Organization" New Age
5. Tannenbaum, "Structured Computer Organization" PHI.

                                                      BS304 : Web technology
History of the web, Growth of the Web, Protocols governing the web, Introduction to
Cyber Laws in India, Introduction to International Cyber laws, Web project, Web Team,
Team dynamics.
Communication Issues, the client, Multi-departmental & Large scale Websites, Quality
Assurance and testing, Technological advances and Impact on Web Teams.
HTML: Formatting Tags, Links, List, Tables, Frames, forms, Comments in HTML,
DHTML. Java Script: Introduction, Documents, Documents, forms, statements,
functions, objects in Java Script, Events and Event Handling, Arrays, FORMS, Buttons,
Checkboxes, Text fields and Text areas.
XML: Introduction, Display and XML Documents, Data Interchange with an XML
document, Document types definitions, Parsers using XML, Client-side usage, Server
Side usage.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI), PERL, RMI, COM/DCOM, VBScript, Active Server
Pages (ASP).

1. Burdman, "Collaborative Web Development", Addison Wesley
2. Sharma & Sharma, "Developing E-Commerce Sites" Addison Wesley
3. Iva Bayross, "Web Technologies Part-II" BPB Publications
4. Shishir Gundavarma, CGI Programming on the World Wide Web" O'Reilly &
5. DON Box, "Essential COM" Addison Wesley
6. Greg Buczek, " ASP Developer's Guide" TMH

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