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Importance of break even analysis

Break-even analysis
Break-even analysis is a technique to establish the effect on profit of different sales volumes and
different costs and selling price levels. The break-even point is the volume of sales at which sales
enable costs to be covered and no profit or loss is made - in other words, you break even.
Break-even analysis can be a very useful management tool because it enables a manager to
determine the following things:

• The profitability of the present product line.
• How far sales can decline before losses will be incurred?
• How many units have to be sold before it becomes profitable?
• What effects will the reduction in selling price or the volume of sales made have on the
profitability of the business?
• What will be the effect on profitability if overhead expenses increase?
• How much more has to be sold at current price levels to make up for an increase in the cost of

1 comment:

  1. Break-even analysis is crucial for understanding the point at which a business becomes profitable. It helps determine the minimum sales needed to cover costs and is essential for making informed financial decisions. With tools like GodMode9, you can efficiently manage and analyze data to optimize your break-even calculations.


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