Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory January 27, 2012 Maslow's hierarchy of needs An interpretation of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs...Read More
B.C.A Sylllabus (First Term) January 25, 2012B.C.A First Term Syllabus BCA101 : Programming in ‘C’ Programming in C: History, Introduction to C Programming Languages, Structure of C ...Read More
B.Sc IT Syllabus (First Semester) January 25, 2012B.Sc IT First term Syllabus BS101 : Fundamental of Computers and Information Technology Computer system concept, computer system character...Read More
Importance of Marginal Costing January 25, 2012 Importance of Marginal Costing The concept of marginal cost is important for individuals producing or consuming multiple units....Read More