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Thursday 4 April 2019



A hypothesis is a statement that predicts a specific outcome in a study, providing a concrete description rather than a theoretical one. Not all studies require hypotheses, as some are designed for exploratory purposes, known as inductive research.


A hypothesis is a prediction made in the form of a tentative statement. Its validity is unknown and it establishes a logical relationship between two variables. Hypotheses are subject to testing through scientific methods and are used in generalizations. It is essential for a hypothesis to be clear and precise, as vague hypotheses lead to unreliable inferences.

Setting Up Hypothesis Statements

To formally set up a hypothesis test, two statements are formulated. One statement describes the prediction, while the other encompasses all other possible outcomes related to the hypothesized relationship. In the case of predicting a relationship between variables A and B, the alternative hypothesis (Ha or H1) supports this prediction, while the null hypothesis (H0) accounts for all other possibilities. It is important to note that in certain studies, the prediction may indicate no difference or change, leading to support for the null hypothesis rather than the alternative.

Example: XYZ Company Employee Training Program

Null hypothesis (H0): As a result of the XYZ Company employee training program, there will either be no significant difference in employee absenteeism or there will be a significant increase.

Alternative hypothesis (Ha): As a result of the XYZ Company employee training program, there will be a significant decrease in employee absenteeism.

Graphical Representation and Two-Tailed Hypothesis

Graphically, the alternative hypothesis represents the prediction of a decrease in absenteeism, while the null hypothesis accounts for no difference or an increase. The concept of "one-tailed" refers to the distribution tail on the outcome variable. When a prediction does not specify a direction, a two-tailed hypothesis is formed.

Example: New Drug Treatment for Depression

Null hypothesis (H0): As a result of 300 mg/day of the ABC drug, there will be no significant difference in depression.

Alternative hypothesis (HA): As a result of 300 mg/day of the ABC drug, there will be a significant difference in depression.

Characteristics of Hypothesis in Research Methodology

Hypotheses in research methodology possess specific characteristics, which include:

  1. Clarity and precision: Hypotheses should be clear and precise to ensure reliable inferences.
  2. Testability: Hypotheses should be capable of being tested through empirical methods.
  3. Relationship between variables: Relational hypotheses should state the relationship between variables.
  4. Limited scope and specificity: Hypotheses should be narrow in scope, allowing for increased testability and specificity.
  5. Explanation of relevant facts: Hypotheses must explain the facts that gave rise to the need for an explanation.

By incorporating these characteristics, researchers can develop hypotheses that contribute to the rigor and validity of their studies.

Monday 1 April 2019

Project Report Format

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